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In Greek literature,the word 'Ode' stands for a poem intended to be sung. An ode in modern sense is often in the form of an address. It is generally dignified and exalted in tone, full of deep reflections and emotions. Ode is a formal lyrical structured poem praising or glorifying someone or something intellectually or emotionally.The Greek odes are poetic performed with musical accompaniment. A classic ode has three major parts --------                       

Pindaric ode follows the style & form of Pindar and Horatian ode follows the convention of Horace.The Greek lyricists such as Alcaeus & Anacreon initiates Horatian ode.Irregular odes use rhyme. Ode is a lyric poem that conveys inspired emotions expressed in a language of imagination.Like the ‘Lyric’ an ode is of Greek origin.In the 17th century,the most important odes in English are written by Abraham Cowley. He adapts the Pindaric ode to English verse.After studying the work of Pindar,he decides to reproduce their passion in English but his reproductions does not reflect Pindar’s poetics accurately.Despite of this problem,Cowley’s use of iambic lines of irregular pattern & rhyme scheme are very influential in English.
Around 1800,William Wordsworth revived Cowley’s Pindaric for one of his finest poems the ‘’Intimaton of Immortality ode.Samuel Tylor Coleridge,John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley also write ode with regular Stanza patterns.Shelley’s ‘’Ode to the West Wind’’written in Terza Rima stanzas is an important ode. Keats’ ‘’Ode to a Nightingale’’,’’Ode on Melancholy ‘’, ‘’Ode on a Grecian urn’’,’’Ode to psyche’’and ‘’To Autumn’’ are ever memorable creations in English. W.H.Auden also wrote ode.’’My Silver Age is one of his nice creations.

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