Metaphysical poetry in the full sense of the term is a poetry which is inspired by a philosophical conception of the universe and of the role assigned to the human spirit in the great drama of existence.This philosophical concept is used in literature to describe the thing that is beyond the physical existence.The term ‘’Metaphysical Poet’’ is coined by the critic Samuel Johnson to express a group of 17th century English poets whose work is marked by the use of conceits.They give importance on the spoken rather than lyrical quality of their poetry.John Donne is the chief of Metaphysical poetry.Henry Vaughn,Andrew Marvell,John Cleveland, Abraham Cowley, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw are the name of Metaphysical poets.Their work is very intellectual and emotional characterized by conceit or wit.
The metaphysical poetry is predominantly intellectual and analytical.In it emotion or feeling is expressed through the power of intellect.Sometimes the poet's intellect appears to dominate his feelings to such an extent that the latter is completely lost sight of.Because of this analytic habit, the metaphysical poets preferred to use words that call intellect into play rather than those that appeal to the senses.
          ''Let Map to other worlds on worlds have showne
           Let us possesse one world, each hath one and in one.''

                                                      From Donne's poem ''The Good Morrow''

These lines appeal not to the senses or emotions,but to something akin to the faculty that apprehends mathematical problem.The metaphysical poets completely concerned to say something that had been never said before,They tried to get away from the traditional ideas handed down to the  generations of poets by Petrarch.The metaphysical poets always wanted be dramatic not only in their thoughts,but also in the manner of expression..Their poetry abounds in far-fetched similes and and metaphors which are commonly called ''conceits''.
Metaphysical poem is an expended epigram.The reader is received to an idea and he is not allowed to pause and measure over a passage.Metaphysical poetry always demands an attention.

It is a comparison whose importance is more striking than its justness.Metaphysical conceit is used to define or prove a point.

Metaphysical poets played with thoughts as the Elizabethan had played with words.

Mechanism of Sensibility,Unification of Sensibility,Cynicism,Unconventional openings,Metrical Harshness.

Name some of the poems of John Donne.
''The Good Morrow'',''The Funeral'',The Relic'',''Death'',''The Anniversary''Love's Growth'',''The Triple Fool'' etc.

Dante's ''Divine Comedy'',Milton's ''Paradise Lost'',Pope's''Essay on Man'',Tennyson's ''In Memoriam''. etc are the precious examples of metaphysical poetry.


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