➮A sonnet is a poem of 14 lines written in iambic pentameter.Each line has 10 syllables.It has a specific rhyme scheme.The word sonnet is derived from the Italian word ''sonetto''means ''a little sound or song''.A sonnet is a poetic form originated at the court of holy Roman emperor Frederick II in Palermo,Sicily.Giacomo da Lentini,founder of sonnet form.He was the head of Sicilian school under the emperor Frederick II.The writer of sonnet is called sonneteer. The sonnet form is brought to England by sir Thomas Wyatt & Henry Howard,earl of Surrey in the 16th century.

While Wyatt introduced the sonnets in English, it was Surrey who developed the rhyme scheme-abab cdcd efef gg.Their sonnets were chiefly the translation of Italian or Petrarchan sonnets. Both poets' sonnets were first published in Richard Tottel's 'songs and sonnetts' better known as''Tottel's Miscellany[1557]''
➮Characteristics of Sonnet:
➯Perhaps the best known type of Renaissance poetry is the love poetry,particularly the sonnet,as epitomized in the work of Francisco Petrarch(1304-74). The standard features of this vein of love poetry are the worshipful,adoration of an idealized mistress and a sense of the elevating even spiritualizing function of love.

They are following--

a. Usually the sonnets are the poem of fourteen lines.
b. They have specific rhyme scheme patterns
c. They have strict metrical construction of iambic pentameter lines
d. Each line has 10 syllables
e. Generally, the sonnet is divided into two parts (octave,sestet)
f. Octave shows the problems & sestet shows its solutions.

➮Types of sonnet;
1.Italian sonnet
2.Shakespearean sonnet
3.Spenserian sonnet
4.Miltonic sonnet
5.Terza- Rima sonnet
6.Curtal sonnet

The Petrarchan sonnet is perfected by the Italian poet Petrarch divides the 14 lines into two sections.The first 8 line of stanza is called ''octave''rhyming abba,abba,and a 6 line of stanza is called ''sestet''rhyming or cde,cde.The octave that arises a ''problem or question'' and sestet proposes a ''solution''.
In his life, Shakespeare writes total 154 sonnets.Of these the first 126 sonnets are addressed to a youth of exceptional charms. Shakespeare dedicates his sonnets to one Mr.W.H.who has been variously identified as the Earl of Southamton or Earl of Pembroke or others having the same initials.The remaining sonnets are addressed to a 'dark lady'whose identity remains largely a matter of argument.All the sonnets are composed in the English form of the sonnet,that of three quatrains clenched with a concluding couplet followed by an intricate rhyme - scheme,ab ab,cd cd,ef ef,gg. Through the concluding couplet,its takes a turn and the poet teaches the reader a lesson of some sort. His sonnets embody agonized tone and atmosphere.In spite of the tone and atmosphere,they end on an optimistic note.Spencerian sonnet is developed by Edmund Spencer in which the quatrains are linked by the rhyme scheme abab bcbc cdcd ee.
➮Amoretti is a collection of Spencer's love sonnet in the Petrarchan mode.The 89 sonnets of Amoretti celebrate Spencer's love for Elizabeth Boyle.

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