Figure of speech:

🔀🔁The word ‘’Rhetoric’’ derived from the Greek word ‘Rhetor’, meaning a public speaker is the art of persuasive or impressive writing or speaking The objective of Rhetoric is to teach the speaker or writer how to give effective expression to thoughts by adopting some figure of speech.
Simile: A simile is an explicit statement of a similarity between two unlike objects. It is clearly brought out by means of an adjective and the use of prepositions namely, like, as,etc.
1.She walks in beauty, like the night.
2. To follow knowledge like a sinking star. [Ulysses]
3.I wondered lonely as a cloud. [Wordsworth]
4 The child shows the man, as morning shows the day. [Milton]

Metaphor:A metaphor is an implied simile. In metaphor, similarity between two unlike objects is suggested.TheSimilarity between Simile and Metaphor lies in the fact that while simile is an explicit statement of similarity, metaphor is an implicit suggestion of the comparison.
1.variety is the spice of life.
2.The camel is the ship of the desert.
3. Life is a walking shadow,a poor player.
4.He is the pillar of the state.

Personification:It is a figure of speech in which  abstract ideas or inanimate objects  are spoken as if they were alive.
1.The Earth felt the wound.
2.For summer has over-brimmed their clummy cells.[Ode to Autumn]
3.Death lays his icy hands on kings.

Synecdoche:It is a figure of speech in which one thing is said another is meant .The connection between thing said or the thing meant is internal.
1.Part for the whole;
a.I want five hands for my office.
b.Five summers have passed.
2.The whole for the part;
a.Flowers fall off in the freezing year[winter]
b.The lavish moisture of the melting year.
3.The species for the genus;
a. He earns his bread [food].
b.The genus for the species;
a.He earns his bread[food].

Metonymy: It is  a figure of speech in which one thing is said another is meant .The connection between thing said or the thing meant is external.
1.The symbol for the thing symbolized,
a.I appeal to the throne.[means king]
b.I request the chair to consider the matter.[Chairman]
2.The instrument for the agent.
a.The pen is mightier than the sword.
b.Altar,sword and pen.
3.The container for the thing contained.
a.I drink the cup.
b.The city went out to see the football match.
4.The cause for the effect
a.Move him into the sun.
5.The effect for the cause;
a.Grey hairs should be respected

Antithesis: It is a figure of speech in which two ideas are set against each other in a balanced form for the shake of emphasis.
1.United we stand, divided we fall.
2.To err is human,to forgive is divine.

Epigram: It is a figure of speech includes a short witty statement of apparent contradiction underlying significance.
1.Failure is the pillar success.

Oxymoron: It is a figure of speech in which contrary words are placed side by side for the shake of emphasis
1.The boy is regularly irregular.

Climax:It is a statement in which ideas are arranged in an ascending order.
1.I came,I saw,I conquered.

Anti climax: It is a statement in which ideas are arranged in an descending order.
1.He lost his father,his servant and his shoes.

Hyperbaton: In this figure of speech the grammatical order of a sentence is reversed for the shake of emphasis.
1.Silver and gold have I none.

Irony:It consists in stating the opposite of what is meant.The purpose is to hurt someone in an indirect way.
1  1. Yet Brutus says he was ambitious.
And Brutus is an honourable man.

Hyperbole:It is a exaggerated statement of feelings and thoughts.
1.I saw ten thousand at a glance [Wordsworth]

Innuendo: It means an oblique or indirect hint. It means an indirect hint at something unpleasant.
Example: He was born of rich but honest parents.
There is an implication that the rich are not honest.

Chiasmus: It consists in the inversion of the order of words or phrases or clauses,when repeated in a sentence.
Beauty is truth,truth beauty.
Fair is foul,foul fair.

Periphrasis: It expresses an idea or a thing in a round-about way or indirectly.
Sleep that knows no breaking(die)
Moving isles of winter(ice bergs)

Onomatopoeia: This is an artifice of language by which sound of words echo the sense.
He clasps the crag with crooked hands.

Alliteration: In this figure of speech ,same letter or sound occurs at the beginning of several words of a sentence
Faithful friend from flattering foe


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