Dramatic Monologue

Dramatic monologue is a specific genre of poetry,here a rejected lover speaks  of particular moment of his life in presence of one. Characterization rather than action and concentration rather than elaboration remain some of the chief characteristics of the dramatic monologue...Dramatic Monologue is a way of expressing the views of a character and offers the audience a greater thoughts of character's feelings.

Examples of Dramatic Monologue:

  • Alfred Lord Tennyson's Ulysses published in 1842.After Ulysses Tithonus, Lotos- Eaters, St.simon stylites and Idles of the king are notable creation of Dramatic Monologue.
  • Mathew Arnold's Dover Beach is one of the nice creations of Dramatic Monologue.
  • Robert Browning's My Last Duchess is one of the famous dramatic monologues.The Ring and the Book, Fra Lippo Lippi,and Men and Women are some of his nice Dramatic Monologue.


  • It shows a long narrative speech by single person.
  • It is dramatic in sense.
  • It has a theatrical quality
  • It is a kind of poetry written in the form of speech of individual.
  • Dramatic monologue is meant to be read to an audience.
  • It seems that one person standing alone on a stage speaking to an audience.


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