✡️English Drama✡️

Drama is a type of literature which tells a story and intended to perform. Drama is a medium of communication of the society. The term ''Drama'' comes from the Greek word meaning ''Action''.The origin of English Drama is not known. It is said that the liturgy played an important role to develop the English drama. It is believed that English drama begins in the church. Theme is always religious.
By the medieval period the murmer's play has been  developed by the themes such as saint George,the Dragon and Robin Hood. These are the folk tales retelling old stories and the actors travels from town to town performing this drama for money & hospitality. In the fourteen century, the religious tradition of theater becomes very popular in England. 

Miracle Play:
It deals with the life of saint. Many scholars consider the term ''the miracle play'' to conclude the genre of mystery play. These plays are not based upon scripture. One of the popular miracle plays was about saint George and the Dragon.

Mystery Play:

The story of mystery Play were taken from the Bible. Creation, Adam and Eve, the murder of Abel and the last judgement are focused on mystery play.  Each play had four or five different scenes or acts. The priests and monks were the actors. Each scene and act were performed at different places in town and people moves from one stage to another.

Morality Play:

Morality Plays are designed to teach a lesson how to live their lives according to the rules of church. Its an attempt to educate people via entertainment.It teaches the basics of Christianity  through dramatic spoken word.

Themes of the Morality Play:

1. Man begins in innocence 2. Man falls in to temptation (The world,The flesh, and The devil.) 3. Man repents and is saved. The central analysis of morality play is the struggle of the man against the 7 deadly sins. Such play helps to understand people about sin and virtue.

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