The Lagoon by  Joseph Conrad.  {summary/analysis}


A short story by Joseph Conrad.
Composed : in 1896
First published in Cornhill Magazine in 1897
Setting:   Southeast Asia( Malay Peninsula)

Main characters:
      Arsat:  protagonist of the short story
     Diamelen:  wife of Arsat
      Arsat’s brother: He helps in Arsat’s elopement.
    The white man: Joseph Conrad has not given the proper identity of the white man. But we find Arsat calls him by Tuan.
      Rajah: A ruler in the land of the Malays
     Inchi Midah: Rajah’s wife, Diamelen was her servant

➭A lagoon is a shallow and enclosed lake into which the sea flows. It is created by the low sand bank. In this short story ‘lagoon’ appears with its different aspects. The story has an exotic Malayan setting. ‘The Lagoon’ is a successful short story by Joseph Conrad. Through the perfect unity of plot, the central idea of the story of love’s ultimate defeat by death is evinced out. It has an organic structure. The use of effective characterization, colourful and graphic representation add the gracefulness to the short story.

➭The hero of the story Arsat’s hut  is situated by the lagoon. His story of love ,and repentance  all develop in lagoon. Actually ,He wants to live in a world of perfect love. For that he elopes  with Diamelen. His brother helps him in his elopement. Arsat’s  brother stood single handed to stop the pursuers from chasing Arsat and Diamelen. He fired three shots at the pursuers and started running across the glade. Suddenly he fell down and cried for help. Arsat did not come to rescue and he was finally killed by the pursuers. After the death of Diamelen the story starts

➭ Joseph Conrad has not given the proper identity of the white man. But we find   Arsat calls him by Tuan. It is found that at the time of war the whiteman & Arsat came closer. Their friendship continues. In his presence Arsat unfolds  his story of ardent love for Diamelen and his act of shameful ingratitude to his brother. So the white man remains as a passive listeners in the story.

‘The Lagoon’ is a tragedy of simple story. It represents human tragic aspiration to live in the life of love so that death can be forgotten. But here the world appears to be the world of illusion and frustration. Arsat wants to live a peaceful life with Diamelen for which he ignores the last call of his brother. But Diamelen also dies. At last the white  man finds him frustrated to conquer death through love.

➭ ‘The Lagoon’ has three important themes. These are betrayal, remorse, retribution. Arsat first betrays his brother for his wife. After Diamelen’s death, remorse is expressed. Ultimately he finds himself  in the darkness. His longing to conquest the death through love remains defeated. All these themes levels it as a tragedy.


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